Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Lyrics: *Pink wrote by Jay*
beautiful girls all over the world
i could be chasing but my time would be wasted
nothing on you baby
and nothing on you baby
i get approached a lot being who i am
and i gotta lot girls wishing i'm there man checkit
and if i'm wrong with ya i dont wanna be right
i gotcha gigglin like everydays a comedy night
i'm a correct answer never do you wrong
and i trust yah even though you've be gone
but dont blame for getting little jealous
its just hard when your talking to them fellaz
i got that "taylor" body girl you know that i gotcha
you can call me new moon because i orbit around ya
your my world my everything, the only thing between our face is just that spaghetti string
i'm faithful wont pull a kobe bryant on you
its a jungle wont be "lion" pull a "tiger" on you
even know the exact shade of your eyes
my hearts ice your number one like yuna kim
all over the world
i could be chasing but my time would be wasted
nothing on you baby
and nothing on you baby
they might say hi and i might say hey
but you shouldn't worry about what they say
they got nothing on you baby
and nothing on you baby
i used to be a boy
that had many girls
all over the world
but they got nothing on you babe
its forever just you and me
for all of eternity/
i know your stressing but i'm confessing baby your the only girl i want
you can be my bestfriend we can play x-men
you can be just i can be cyclops
cause i dont wanna end up like everyone else
hurtin all alone all by myself
this is just something that i've never felt

8:18 PM
Ytd went out with SG E.L.F for dance session.
danced Gee, Oh, Genie, Lupin, ITNW, Sorry Sorry, Ring Ding Dong and more~~
super tired... Sleep at 12, wake at 10. 10 hours..
he's created a youtube account and posted his cover of Nothing on you!!
He's so cute!! the video reached 1 million views within a day!!
Now its 1,072,173 views!! Go JAY!!
From Jay,
일단팬여려분한테너무감사하다고말하고싶습니다. 우리가족, 친구, 크루 한테너무 잘해주시고 좋은일들많이하셔서너무감사합니다. 노래랑랩하는거보고싶을까봐 만들었습니다 youtube account 를. 그리고 다같이 웃고 같이 열심히하고 화이팅합시다. 안좋은말씀들은안해도됩니다 ^ㅠ^.
Wassup everyone i'd like to thank all the fans that have been so nice to me, my family, my crew, thank you so much for all your love and support , created this youtube account so i can post up videos of just covers and whatever and you guys could watch so yeah check it out. Also i try to make every negative situation into a postive situation. saying or doing negative things arnt the right way to go in my opinion so less all just love and respect each other =) God Bless
Jay park
2pm 욕은안했으면좋겠어요 애들착하고 좋은애들이예요 오해안하셨으면좋겠습니다. ^ ㅠ ^
2pm fighting!
i dont want you guys to hate on 2pm on behalf of me cause i still love those guys and likewise. they're still my homies. if you dont want to support them thats cool you know but i just want everyone to get along and move on and all do great things know what i'm sayin? =)
See!! He's so good to them!!!
♥ Jay Park!!

11:31 AM
Friday, March 12, 2010
Dance! Dance! Dance!
Today we, Wondershidae Finally have a practice with all 5 people present!!!
Its Quite successful, we clear alot of mistakes today.
Hope that we can do as well on sunday!!
Today is also the day to take back out report slip.
Nobody passes english in my class..
i even had F9 (25 marks) for it!!
quite upset with my results..
i onli get A1 for emaths...
my amaths and humanities didnt reach my standard yet.
just pass my sci...
Im onli ok with my emaths and chinese results this term.
BUT i get Very Good Conduct grade!!!!
I Finally made it!! Present in sch for the whole term!
Its so hard!!! i've to force myself to go sch even im not feeling well...
Hope i can keep at this standart.

8:38 PM
Thursday, March 11, 2010
i duno y, but i feel so tired these days...
i failed to finish my homeworks and study for tests...
Cnt concentrate especially during my chinese lessons!!!
i had an oral presentation,
i'm quite confident as its not english.
I spoke quite loudly.. BUT
i read...
OMG Its so embarrassing!!!
i even squat down for 1 sec and stood up again.
we had a compo test, BUT
i had...

5:39 AM
Monday, November 23, 2009

I Want This!! (Heechul)

If i had this i will go do piercing!! (Ryeowook)

Cute Neckless~ (Leeteuk)

this is super Cute~ Earings~~ (Key)

These 2 weeks, Heechul has Lost 8KG!!!
His life goes like this..
Breakfast: a piece of Tofu
Lunch: a pirce of Tofu
When he feels hungry: Drink water
Exercise: Walked for 1 Hour on the treadmill in the gym
Beforebed: 200 Sit ups
Health: Eat Vitamins
Look at what he says..
Original sensitive personality has developed into hysterics
Also didn’t talk with anyone around me, my personality became like a sword
Sleep isn’t peaceful either. Normally if (I) slept and lied down at 12 o’clock, I’d fall asleep at 5am at dawn.
With unsleeping eyes, looking at the ceiling for around 5 hours…Feels like death…
Become very introvert. Don’t even want to meet anyone.
This way of losing weight is to do or not (-┏)
With one’s mind strength, mind is of the most importance^-^
If I release a diet video please give it lots of support~(but) whether it will be released is unknown ㅋㅋ
Remember: he do all these for his Petals

Who is he?? HeeNim?? or Taeminie??

10:13 AM
Chocolate Love
I Got You Babe~~
OMG i finally touched a New Chocolate!!!
omg i hope i can buy it..
Ytd its $328 Now its $498..
Haiz.. Offer Over.. T.T
my sis changed into a LG phone.. T.T
i will wait for NEW CHOCOLATE~

Ytd we went to Suntec.. There's the Anime Party or smth..

Many ppl was crowding around

I think the models haf to be there for 11 hours.. it was 10AM-9PM

What Show is this??

Naruto-.- (duno how to spell)

My sis's favourite show.. Shugo Chara(Not sure of the spelling also)

9:05 AM